Anniversary - October 2022

Friends of Ridley Creek State Park 50th Anniversary Celebration

The Friends of Ridley Creek State Park is proudly celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the park and we want you to join in on the fun on October 5th and October 8th!

Mansion Tours and Talks: October 5th

On 10/5 join us at the Mansion to take part in tours of the mansion, listen to historical presentations led by Keith Lockhart, and enjoy some refreshments! Keith is the author of a Delaware County historical website and history blog who has collected many photographs, documents, historical information, and materials over the years. He will be hosting two presentations: one covering Ridley Creek State Park's history and the second covering Delaware County. Guests will have a chance to view old photos, guess the places shown and then see what they look like today. This event is free and open to the community. Pre-registration for the mansion tours and the historical talks is required.

Attendees may sign up for one or more of these activities on 10/5: Pre-registration for this event is required. Click here to sign up for the event on 10/5 today:

50th Anniversary Community Day: October 8th

Then on October 8th, we will be offering several activities for you and your family at Picnic Area 17 to enjoy including a 5k fun run to kick off the day. Throughout the day attendees can also enjoy food trucks, music, entertainment, scenic hikes, tours of the grounds, and the chance to learn more about our beautiful park.

Attendees may bring their own chairs, refreshments/picnic and any food provided by food trucks will be pay as you go. This event is free and open to the community. Pre-registration for the fun run, scenic hikes and general admission to the celebration is required.

This event is rain or shine. In the event of extreme weather conditions, we will contact all attendees to update them on our plans to reschedule.

Pre-registration is required for the fun run, hikes, walks and the general admission to the event. Click here to sign up to join us on 10/8 today:

50th Anniversary Volunteer Day: Sunday, October 9th

Help beautify the Park as we construct picnic tables and tidy up around some picnic areas in the Park. No special skills or tools needed. We will be working from 9 am to noon with light refreshments afterwards. Please contact Gary Sawyer at for more details.

Calling Ridley Creek State Park Volunteers!

We are in need of volunteers for our 50th Anniversary event on 10/8 to help with activities including but not limited to set up/clean up, handing out refreshments, assisting with parking, and guiding runners along the race route to keep them on track and motivated! If you are interested in helping out, click the links below to sign up:

Volunteer for 10/5 Mansion Tours & Talks:
Volunteer for 10/8 5k Fun Run & Community Picnic:
Or email FRCSP Event Coordinator, Sarah Haas with any questions at

Would you like to make a donation? Click here to join or make a one-time donation!