Newsletter - July, 2005

Dear Friend of Ridley Creek State Park,

We've accomplished some major projects in the park and have a few fun events in the work for this summer and fall that you don't want to miss--see below for details!

With an increasing demand for Park resources, a public meeting has been scheduled to review the resources management plan for Ridley Creek State Park. The Park Resources Management Plan meeting is scheduled for July 21, 6:30 -8:00 PM in the mansion ballroom at Ridley Creek State Park. The purpose of the meeting is to receive comments on the resources management plan for the Park. In addition to the Park Manager (Roger McChesney) and the Friends of Ridley Creek State Park, there will be representation from the regional and state offices representing parks management to receive comments and discuss issues. If you have opinions about one of our most precious assets in this area and how it will be used in the future, you won't want to miss this meeting as you can make a difference! Copies of the draft plan can be downloaded from our website at Hardcopy is available for viewing during office hours at the park office and at the surrounding Twp. offices - Edgmont, Upper Providence, Middletown and Willistown.

With the past two photo contests attracting hundreds of phenomenal entries, we are getting in gear to see what this year's annual photo contest will bring.

The awards ceremony will not take place until November, but you can start preparing now by visiting the park and memorializing those special summer scenes. Check out our homepage at for rules, requirements and ideas.

The fountain is once again operational! Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers led by Ed Hunter and Jim Kline, the formal gardens have been replanted and the fountain is once again providing a romantic backdrop to this charming area after 30 years of dormancy. A formal ceremony will take place honoring the "Link Memorial Fountain" later this summer. Stay tuned!

Eagle candidate Matt Pastor will start the handicap path to the main restroom at the mansion this weekend to improve accessibility. This will be a major step forward in that process. The Friends continue to play a major role in providing volunteer programs in the area.

Our National Trails Day special project was a success--21 volunteers gathered to learn and to build the bog bridge and turnpike to carry the White Trail across a boggy area.

Thanks to all who participated! Special thanks to the park staff for their essential support and to those volunteers who answered my urgent request for help with preps in the week before the event.

If you are interested in joining, the Trail Workers meet the first Saturday of each month from 9am-12pm, rain or shine. Check out our website for more details and calendar of events:

the Friends will be hosting an event with guest speaker Dr. Harry J. Augensen for the viewing of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower on the night of August 11 (rain date Augutst 12). This is sure to be a spectacular event (weather permitting, of course!) Details to follow.

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